Top 9 Free Online Courses You Should Take In December 2022

Free online courses in December 2022

Do you know that you can access high-quality education from some of the top colleges and universities? Colleges including Yale, Stanford, MIT, and more have free online courses. The best part is you don’t have to go through the rigorous and sometimes difficult admission process to take these courses.

Education has the power to change and unlock your potential. A few classes can change your life. Therefore, I can’t recommend free online courses enough. They are the perfect way to learn about a specific subject or gain a new skill. Whether it’s for your career or academic interests it will look great on your resume. The online courses below are not for college credit and to receive a certificate you would need to enroll in the paid version of the course which is not necessary. These courses, regardless of whether you receive a certificate or not, can be put on your resume to demonstrate your specialized knowledge.

If you want to know How To Get An Entry-Level Job With No Experience, then taking a few free online courses may be the edge you need to get noticed.

If you don’t already know all about How To Take Free Online Courses, you’re going to want to follow up with that article after this one.

Free Courses That You Can Start in December 2022

Below are 9 free online courses that are great options for students to expand their skill base and test out different subjects before changing their major or career path. I am not recommending you to take all 9 courses. Instead, look through your options, read the syllabi and reviews, and pick one and get studying.

1. The Neuropsychology of Decision Making:

edX online course by the University of Cambridge. Starts on December 1, 2022. An introductory course to the complex cognitive process that is decision-making, from a neuropsychological perspective. Covering basic neuroanatomy, neurodevelopment, important structures, chemicals and networks, individual differences in decision-making and decision-making deficits.

2. Python for Data Science:

edX online course by UC San Diego. Starts on December 6, 2022. Learn to use powerful, open-source, Python tools, including Pandas, Git and Matplotlib, to manipulate, analyze, and visualize complex datasets.

3. Machine Learning:

edX online course by UC San Diego. Starts on December 6, 2022. Understand machine learning’s role in data-driven modeling, prediction, and decision-making.

4. The Strategy of Content Marketing:

Coursera online course by UC Davis. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably. Specifically, you will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, use a strategic framework when writing, and build your professional brand and authority through content marketing. You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.

5. International Organizations Management:

Coursera online course by the University of Geneva. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. This course provides an introduction to International Organizations and the United Nations and explores how business and management tools can be applied in these settings to achieve better, more effective results. With a focus on cross-sector partnerships in a changing world, the course offers you insights into the inner workings of international organizations and the challenges they face today.

6. English for Business and Entrepreneurship:

Coursera online course by the University of Pennsylvania and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about the global business economy. In this course, you will learn about topics and language necessary to succeed in the international workplace.

7. How to Manage a Remote Team:

Coursera online course by GitLab. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. Remote management is much more than just implementing a work-from-home policy. In this course, you’ll learn and apply remote work best practices, build your remote work policy, and prepare your team for success.

8. Innovation Management:

Coursera online course by Erasmus University Rotterdam. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. What is innovation management? How do firms bring in new business models and get new products and services to the market? Go on a nine-week journey through innovation management concepts, theories of idea generation, selection, strategy formulation and implementation in this MOOC in Innovation Management.

9. Game Theory:

Coursera online course by Stanford University and The University of British Columbia. Starts on Mondays in December 2022. Game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational and irrational agents. This course includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE.

You can effectively expand your skillset making you a well-rounded student and employee. Free courses are also great for testing out different subjects if you are considering what to study during college or considering a career change. Start out with a free course before you pay for more advanced courses in the same subject.

If none of the above courses are interesting to you or applicable to your academic pursuits, then there are many other free online courses available to students. However, you need to know where to find these free online courses. First, start by learning How To Take Free Online Courses and Certificates from Top Universities. Then browse through the different options and topics available for free.
