College students are busy. Their life is demanding and full of responsibilities. The goal is to always be the most efficient student you can be. You don’t want to waste time or money. I’ve compiled 13 websites for college students that will help you with everything from organization, essay writing, math, and test anxiety, to choosing professors and help with saving money.
Here we go…
1. Rate My Professor
I highly recommend you visit Rate My Professor. This website allows students to see feedback and reviews on their college professors. This helps a student decide whether they’ll be a good fit. Unfortunately, some professors are notorious for being hard and not giving out A’s while others are known for being easier. I never took a class without looking up the professor first. If I had to take a hard professor I wanted to know before I registered for the class.
To maximize your relationships with your professors you need to understand, Why Your College Professors Are Important. It’s not just about what they teach.
2. Quizlet
If you like to learn with the help of flashcards, Quizlet is the app for you. Quizlet allows you to create your own flashcards or browse those created by other students. The best part of Quizlet is since it digital you will always have your flashcards with you. You can study them whenever you have downtime.
I used Quizlet a lot. I like that you can “share” your “sets” with fellow students. Quizlet is pretty clever as it keeps track of your progress and will repeat the cards in a way that is best to help you learn and retain the information.
3. Chegg
Chegg is one of the most popular educational apps for college students. It offers a little bit of everything. They have a database of step-by-step answers to problems from thousands of textbooks. You can also search for your questions. Basically, if you have a question, likely, someone else had already asked it so there’s an answer. They also sell and rent textbooks. Be careful with the homework helper, as some colleges see using this app as cheating.
4. Course Hero
Course Hero is an online learning platform for course-specific study resources. It supports students on their unique learning journey as they seek help and resources to better understand their coursework, prepare for exams, and learn and remember. Students can subscribe or contribute their own resources to access millions of learning materials including practice problems, study guides, textbook solutions, and step-by-step explanations for every subject.
Course Hero also has Scholarships. The Hero Student Scholarship recognizes students who overcome obstacles in their college journeys. They award them $5,000 per year until they graduate. They also have scholarships specifically for first-generation college students, community leaders, and veterans, among others.
5. Grammarly
Grammar in college is very important. Poor grammar makes you look uneducated and lazy, like you didn’t care enough to proofread and edit your mistakes. The Grammarly app is going to become your new best friend. It is great for proofreading all your work. Whether it’s homework, an essay, a research paper, or an email it’s got you covered. It will help you catch typos and grammatical errors and it can also help you find stronger or more accurate words and write more concisely.
This app will also check for plagiarism. Grammarly is super easy to use. When you download and enable it on your device, it will automatically evaluate your writing and look for mistakes.
If you are looking for some tips and tricks, here is a great source, Grammar And Punctuation For Students.
6. Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a personalized learning resource for all ages. They offer practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Khan Academy tackles math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. They focus on skill mastery to help students establish strong foundations, so there’s no limit to what they can learn next. The best part is everything is FREE!
7. Your College Sensei
Your College Sensei is a resource that helps student graduate college quickly and with the least amount of dept. Their motto is, College Done Efficiently!
For a student, the transition from high school to college is a big stepping stone on the path to adulthood. It’s an exciting time. The move, though full of opportunity and promise does come with uncertainty, stress, and challenge. For some students, college represents independence, adventure, and growth, for other students college can be an extraordinarily tough and even dangerous time in their lives. Your College Sensei will guide you through the process providing tips and tricks on how you can be the best college student possible.
8. Insight Timer
Insight Timer is the best meditation app with the world’s largest FREE library of more than 130k guided meditations, 14k teachers & the world’s most loved meditation time.
If you are having trouble sleeping try one of their sleep meditations. Feeling a little stressed before a text, try one of their anxiety meditations. Need some background music or white noise while you study check out their playlists.
If you struggle with test anxiety be sure to read, Test Anxiety: How To Study For A Test.
9. Mint
A budget tracker is a must for college students. Managing personal finances can be difficult for many students. Budging, and keeping track of bills, and expenses can be tricky, especially for a busy college student. Mint can help you create a budget and stick to it. It’s easy to use and simple to understand. It allows you to see where you spend your money.
Mint also monitors your credit. You’ll have 24/7 access to your score for free. Furthermore, they let you know of any important changes to your report.
10. Free Application For Federal Student Aid
All students should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA is the form that determines your financial aid from the government and most colleges. Almost all federal awards are based on need, not merit.
11. Forest
Distractions are everywhere for college students. Nothing steals our attention like our phones. The Forest App for your desktop can help you set aside study time and stay focused. It allows you to set a study timer and when you do you plant a seed that will grow into a tree. You can’t stop the session because once you start the tree begins to grow. If you touch your phone or cancel the study session your tree dies.
The more study/quiet sessions you have, the more trees will grow in your forest. This creates a great habit of utilizing all your study time because you won’t want to interrupt your growing tree or the forest you are creating.
12. Evernote
If you are looking for help organizing and creating your notes or to-do lists, then Evernote is the platform for you. Evernote has been recognized as one of the best note-taking websites for students. It allows you to create notes in text format, with links, photos, and audio recordings.
Evernote will sync between your computer and your mobile devices. You can collect your information and store it all in one place. Evernote is perfect for collaborating on group projects. It has chat capabilities, and you can share pages with each other.
13. Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha is a unique engine for computing answers and providing knowledge. It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis and generate reports.
Wolfram Alpha uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help students in an array of different math areas. From basic mathematics to algebra, calculus, and statistics. The best part of Wolfram Alpha is you can input a specific problem and it will then be broken down and explained.
Knowing How To Pass Your Math Classes can make all the difference.
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